- Native Education College (NEC) opened its doors in 1967 and became British Columbia's largest private
Indigenous College. NEC’s purpose is to contribute to an Indigenous, holistic experience that positions the
Indigenous learner to uphold their responsibility and obligations to their family and nation of origin as
autonomous Peoples. NEC provides culturally relevant education and training for Indigenous Peoples to pursue
career aspirations and enhance academic goals in alignment with their diverse cultural identities and traditional
knowledge. The NEC longhouse offers access to many resources and in-house support that includes cultural
and spiritual support, funding, counseling, and career advising from a culturally authentic lens.
HCA 100 HCA 110 HCA 130 to be delivered in person on campus.
- Please visit our website for course descriptions and further information about the HCA certificate program.
Jennifer Percival, Industry Employment Coordinator, provides a variety of services to support BCMF members in transitioning to a new career. Contact Jennifer to book a virtual appointment today!